Joe Kane was a genre-film name you could trust since 1972, when he joined the editorial staff, then became editor of the pioneering pop culture/film review tabloid The Monster Times. In 1984, he adopted the even more trustworthy persona of The Phantom of the Movies®, covering the genre-movie and home entertainment beat for The New York Daily News and authoring two essential tomes, The Phantom’s Ultimate Video Guide and The Phantom of the Movie’ VideoScope: The Ultimate Guide to the Latest, Greatest, and Weirdest Genre Videos.
In 1993, the Phantom begat The Phantom of the Movies’ VideoScope® , The Ultimate Genre Guide, which began life as a newsletter but soon morphed into a nationally distributed magazine, a one-stop source for the latest in genre home entertainment coverage.
Joe died in 2020 but his legacy lives on with those who love cinema. His vision continues in VideoScope which is committed to celebrating the Latest, Greatest and Weirdest genre releases.
Each issue of VideoScope includes over 100 new genre reviews covering the entire spectrum: Horror, Sci-Fi, Action, Asian, Cult, Camp, Animation, Thrillers, Indies, Noirs, Art-House, Vérité, Vintage,Tele-video, Exploitation and more! VideoScope features exclusive interviews with genre celebs from “A” (Dario Argento) to “Z” (Rob Zombie), along with Linda Blair, Jackie Chan, Wes Craven, Willem Dafoe, Guillermo del Toro, Lance Henriksen, Walter Hill, Julie Newmar, John Waters and scores more. You’ll discover behind-the-scenes features, info on new releases, making-of scoops, and all the usual much, much more—told the untamed way!
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Dedicated to the Memory and Living Legacy of Joe Kane
The Phantom of the Movies (1947-2020)
current issue
Take A Peek at What’s Inside the Magazine!
Voluminous Phan-tastic Reading! Get’em While They Last!
How the Astro-Zombies Saved My Life & Other Tales of Movie Madness